The skies

Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject the skies.

Heaven or Hell? Your Inner Self Decides!

Some day, when we arrive in the Beyond, it won’t matter what appearance we presented to the outside world – all that matters is our inner wealth. In the second part of our report on the Beyond, we explore what to expect from the ‘Final Judgement’, the aspect of ‘marital’ coexistence, why we must go ‘back down’ to Earth, and why suicide is the worst offence of all. And after all that, come and join us on an unforgettable journey into the highest sphere of heaven! Read more...

The Sun: Source of our Being

We are all children of the sun. We live in the body of the sun. Everything that we have, are, and will be comes from the sun. How amazing that we seek God, and don’t recognise Him or Her in the sun! Read more...

Children don't Believe in Death. They Know Better.

Is there anything more distressing than the death of a child? Many people who had always believed in a creator begin to have doubts when death, that great dark unknown, snatches a little one. But oddly enough, what causes us adults to become distraught is quite natural to the children themselves. So let us hear what these children have to say. Children who acted as teachers and comforters to adults shortly before their deaths. Children who stand in the midst of life and know that death does not exist-because to them, the law of reincarnation is a fact of life. Read more...