
Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject antiquity.

Exodus from Egypt: And the Waters Were Parted…

The Jews revere Moses like no other. He led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt and gave them the Mosaic Laws. But he could not prevent his people from breaking their covenant with God. Join us on a fascinating search through desert sand and seawaters that holds more than one surprise in store. Read more...

Paul, the zealous Pharisee

He helped Christianity achieve its worldwide influence—and simultaneously laid the ­foundation for its greatest failure and most disgraceful deeds: the “Apostle to the Gentiles”, Saul who turned into Paul. Read more...

Mithras mysteries: The Sun's Bringer of Light

Eighteen hundred years ago, the sun was worshipped from Britain to the Balkans, from the Balearics to the Black Sea - and so was Mithras, who gave the sun's light to humanity. not available online   order this issue

Simon Peter: Built on the Wrong Rock

The Roman Church chose an extremely bad patron saint for itself: Simon Peter, who was never commissioned by Jesus to found a church. Read more...

The Power of Sound

How music caused the rise and fall of great cultures in antiquity—from ancient India to the Roman Empire. Read more...

America: The Promised Land

America was long known to the world's initiates. They determined when it might be "discovered". They chose the discoverer. They knew the plan for the New World and its purpose: to become the leading nation in the promised Goden Age. Read more...