Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject society problems.
Just under a hundred years ago, a poison began to infiltrate the masses; a poison that makes people believe whatever they're told. Its name is propaganda and it has long ousted Truth from its rightful place. not available online order this issue
Something is rotten—not only in the State of Denmark, but on planet Earth. For maybe the first time in our history, most people no longer believe in utopias—they don’t believe that a completely different, more beautiful and better existence might be possible. In spite of that, there are utopias that exist here and now and which have been visited by people. Read more...
Leo the “crazy lion” has been one of our readers for many years. When we by chance got talking on the phone, we quickly realized that if more elderly people did what Leo does in his simple way, our society might just be a happier one. By bringing old people and children together through Nature and gardening, he teaches young people what really matters in life: letting love flow. Read more...
How does the U.S Army override the natural human fear of killing? By using the video games presently found in millions of children's rooms. Read more...
-and why casting off the shackles of morality has not made us free. Read more...
Why immorality is leading us into an abyss that ends in fear. And why the path of morality based on love leads us to freedom. not available online order this issue