Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject matrimony.
What links hydrogen atoms and twin souls? - A heavenly power of an allencompassing nature that we humans struggle to comprehend. Read more...
Why even partnerships obey the laws of nature. not available online order this issue
When the world seems to be coming apart at the seams there is only one recourse that protects us from all tribulations: Love. If we give ourselves over to the inner realm of love, pain becomes joy, fear becomes assurance, and uncertainty becomes calm. Unfortunately, many have forgotten that love is not something to be consumed, but the spirit’s noblest pursuit that flows through the heart. This article proclaims the searching and finding of love and how it can be brought back to life even when it seems to have already died. For, as Heinrich Pestalozzi said, “God is near when people show Love for one another.” Read more...
"Marriage is a story; it begins with a prince who kisses an angel and ends with a bald man staring across the table at a fat woman." What happened to the prince who swept her off her feet? Where is the angel who prepared sweet, sleepless nights? If you are one of those who sometimes stares doubtfully across the table, then maybe this guide will lead you back to that happy place where the oft-critical glance was still mercifully clouded by love... not available online order this issue