Listed on this page are all Facts are Facts articles on the subject theurgy.
Atlantis is having a boom in film and literature. But despite all the exaggerated legends, the most important aspect is mostly forgotten – namely, what lesson we should learn from Atlantis. For decadence, pomposity, and the misguided belief that Man doesn’t need God triumph today once again, as they did in that sunken empire. Read more...
From photo editor to esoteric superstar: Bärbel Mohr’s rise was stratospheric. In just ten years, her book ‘The Cosmic Ordering Service’ and the numerous publications that followed spoke to millions of readers who just wanted the same as her: health, happiness, a dream partner and a dream house—simply by requesting it from the “universe”. Yet her end was equally dramatic: in October 2010, after an agonising illness, the best-selling authoress was dead aged just 46. “Where was God?” her followers have been asking ever since. Read here why her premature death was no coincidence. Read more...
The inversion of cosmic law: The Illuminati and their actions from a spiritual perspective. Read more...
The true spiritual meaning of of the five-pointed star. not available online order this issue
The Bulgarian Sage Omraam Mikhael Aivanov talks about the spiritual meaning of the pyramid. not available online order this issue