Let us not allow “them” to get the Earth completely in their iron grasp!
- The creation of a One World Government with one single church and one single currency under their control.
- The total destruction of every national identity and all national pride, because only then will people accept a super-national world government.
- The destruction of every religion, especially Christian denominations. The only exception: a “religion” of their creation.
- The establishment of thought-control techniques with the goal of creating human robots who respond to external impulses and direction.
- The end of industrialization with the exception of the computer and service sectors. A “post-industrial zero growth society” is the goal. The other industry branches will be transferred to more cost-effective third world countries.
- To encourage or even to legalize drug usage and to make “art” out of pornography, which will first be generally accepted and finally be seen as totally normal.
- To undertake the depopulation of larger cities following the example of Pol Pot’s bloodbaths in Cambodia.
- The suppression of all scientific development except that which serves the purposes of the Illuminati.
- To bring about the premature death of 3 billion people by the year 2050—either through “regional warfare” in developed countries, or through starvation and sickness in under-developed nations. The Committee of 300 (under the direction of the Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance (US Secretary of State under Carter) to write a paper on how such a population reduction could be managed. The paper was called Global2000Report and was accepted and approved of by President Carter and Edwin Muskie, the then-Secretary of State, for and in the name of the US government. One of the conditions of the Global2000Report states that the US population must be reduced by 100 million people by the year 2050.
- To weaken the people’s morale and to further demoralize the working class through large-scale unemployment and, therefore, to push them into drug or alcohol addiction. The youth should be encouraged to rebel against the status quo, which also leads to the weakening/dissolution of the family, through drugs and aggressive music.
- To stop people from determining their own fate by forcing them to weather one crisis after another and to learn to leave such crises to be dealt with by the government. The people will soon feel so overwhelmed by their “own fates” and many difficult decisions that they will become apathetic. There is already an authority for crisis management; it’s called FEMA, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- To introduce new cults and support existing ones.
- To support Christian fundamentalism, which will then, through identification with “God’s Chosen People”, support the goals of the Zionist Israeli state with, among other things, great sums of money.
- To push for the spread of religious sects like the Muslim Brotherhood or the Sikhs and to carry out thought-control experiments similar to the ones Jim Jones carried out in his camp in Jonestown (Guayana) before the c. 900 followers of his People’s Temple were killed or committed suicide on command (November 1978).
- To circulate ideas with respect to religious freedom around the world in order to undermine all existing religions, especially Christianity. This process has already begun with the so-called “Theology of Liberation”.
- To provoke a collapse of the world economy and thus create total political chaos.
- To take over control of all domestic and international policies of the USA.
- To ensure that supra-national institutions (e.g. the UNO (United Nations Organization), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), the ICJ (International Court of Justice), etc.) receive the greatest support, while, at the same time, local and national institutions become decreasingly able to act by systematically destroying them or by bringing them under the controlling umbrella of the UNO.
- To infiltrate and take over all governments in order to insidiously dissipate and destroy the sovereignty of each nation from the inside.
- To create an international terrorism and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities have occurred.
- To take control of the education system in the USA with the goal of completely destroying it.